Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What should I do if my child needs immediate assistance?

If this is an urgent health emergency contact 911.
If your child is currently under the influence or is showing symptoms of overdose or alcohol poisoning take them to the nearest emergency room or urgent care immediately. If you know or strongly suspect that your child is using drugs or alcohol and you require an immediate intervention, take your child to Chapman Medical Center in Orange. Chapman offers drug testing and free treatment assessments.

If this is not a medical emergency and you are experiencing some confusion determining what the next best step for your child would be, contact us, it is our expertise to help families through these difficult times.

How can I determine if my child qualifies for your programs?

JADE, Drug Testing, and Pathways Community Counseling Center programs are open to the public. No legal referrals are necessary to attend. Parents/Guardians are welcome to enroll their child in any program. JADE is a one time program only. If your child has already been through JADE, he/she may not participate a second time. JADE services teens ages 12-17 only. All CYS programs are voluntary. If a child walks out he/she will not be stopped. Combative behavior will not be tolerated.

Which program is best for my child or family?

Pathways community Counseling center

If you feel your loved one is dealing with depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, behavioral problems or any mental health issue, we can help! This program is for all ages, even couples and especially parents needing guidance. CLICK HERE to learn more about Pathways Community Counseling Center.

JADE (Juvenile Alcohol & Drug Education)

Educates teens and their parents about the dangers and realities of drug use and alcohol abuse. JADE is a wonderful measuring tool for parents/guardians to determine if their child has a substance abuse problem and get help for their family. The JADE program is designed to prevent teens from developing a problem, cease any further experimenting with drugs or binge drinking, and provide resources to families in need of assistance if substance abuse issues are present. If you are interested in enrolling your teen (ages 12-17 only) in the next class, CLICK HERE.

Monitored Drug Testing

This is used as a screening tool to ensure your middle or high schooler stays safe during their teen years as well as helps you to determine if your child is using in order to start the prevention process. If your school offers this program, we highly recommend you take advantage of it. We currently provide these services at various schools and districts throughout Orange County. Contact us when you are ready to schedule your child’s drug test.

What kind of kids typically attend your programs?

All kinds. The teens that attend CYS programs have only one or two characteristics in common; drug and alcohol abuse and/or delinquency issues. None of the young people who attend our programs are “Bad Kids”, however they are usually making bad decisions.

What is the best way to help my child?

  • Educate yourself on current drug trends and the symptomology of drug and alcohol use. (JADE offers this)

  • Be observant, nobody knows your child better than you do. If changes in personality, friends, grades, and behavior are evident and you are concerned, seek help.

  • Open up lines of communication in your household. Talk to your child and really listen to what they have to say.

  • Be their parent, not their friend. Set boundaries.

  • Don’t be afraid or ashamed to ask for outside help. Difficulty raising teenagers is not a new phenomenon. You are not alone. Plenty of help is available and the professionals at California Youth Services will be glad to assist your family in any way we can.

  • Consider setting an appointment to drug test your child if you suspect substance use. This is a great tool and can help you determine next steps to prevent future problems.

  • Subscribe to our newsletter below. We send out weekly educational and informational blogs to educate you and keep you informed of new drug trends and events around the community. CLICK HERE to go to our Blog.