What makes California Youth Services great — a safe space to heal and grow, a caring adult to talk to, an educa)onal resource for parents— mean everything to families who are struggling.

  • $100 will give 2 teens a fifteen-panel comprehensive drug test.

  • $250 will provide 2 crisis counseling sessions.

  • $500 will provide 6 counseling sessions.

  • $1,000 will cover the cost of 20 monitored drug tests.

  • $2,500 will provide 3 teens a comprehensive substance abuse prevention program which includes JADE, counseling, and drug testing.


No Gift is Too Small. Please consider making a meaningful gift today.

All End-of-Year donations are 100% tax deductible.


 Your support means more than just a donation; it represents hope, care, and the opportunity for positive change. Remember, no matter the size, your gift makes a significant difference. Thank you for joining us in this journey of change and empowerment.

Together, we are making moments count!